The participation of stakeholders from civil society in defining more ambitious NDCs is necessary to improve strategies and to implement them in a transparent and participatory way.
Strengthening civil society in the implementation of national climate policies in Georgia, Colombia and Ukraine
The participation of stakeholders from civil society in defining more ambitious NDCs is necessary to improve strategies and to implement them in a transparent and participatory way.
Through the EU Association Agreement and EU candidate status, Ukraine is obliged to introduce an EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). The ambition to rapidly implement EU directives including the ETS is increasing.
Supporting the Implementation of an Emissions Trading Scheme in Ukraine
Through the EU Association Agreement and EU candidate status, Ukraine is obliged to introduce an EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). The ambition to rapidly implement EU directives including the ETS is increasing.
The building sector is the largest energy consumer in Ukraine with a share of 33%, followed by the industry and transport sectors. With the support of the BMWK and the EU Commission, the Ukrainian government has developed a concept for an Energy Efficiency Fund (EEF) that finances energy efficiency measures for buildings.
Supporting the national energy efficiency fund and the climate-friendly reform agenda (S2I) in Ukraine
The building sector is the largest energy consumer in Ukraine with a share of 33%, followed by the industry and transport sectors. With the support of the BMWK and the EU Commission, the Ukrainian government has developed a concept for an Energy Efficiency Fund (EEF) that finances energy efficiency measures for buildings.
For a transition to a low-carbon economy in Ukraine, a faster implementation of the NDC is necessary. The Project aims to accelerate Ukraine’s NDC implementation while promoting the uptake of investments in sustainable bioenergy, agri and land-use practices.
Accelerating NDC and promoting Sustainable Bioenergy, Agri and Land-Use Practices in Ukraine
For a transition to a low-carbon economy in Ukraine, a faster implementation of the NDC is necessary. The Project aims to accelerate Ukraine’s NDC implementation while promoting the uptake of investments in sustainable bioenergy, agri and land-use practices.
The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) set up climate-policy interface projects (“(IKI) Interface projects”) in order to support its work on climate and biodiversity in selected priority countries of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Interface Projects support BMUV in the area of knowledge-sharing and networking in IKI partner countries that have substantial IKI portfolios and which are important partners for BMUV in the field of climate and biodiversity policy. Connecting all IKI stakeholders in Ukraine through in-depth exchange and coordination formats is therefore an important apporach of the Interface Project Ukraine. The Project is run by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) set up climate-policy interface projects (“(IKI) Interface projects”) in order to support its work on climate and biodiversity in selected priority countries of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Interface Projects support BMUV in the area of knowledge-sharing and networking in IKI partner countries that have substantial IKI portfolios and which are important partners for BMUV in the field of climate and biodiversity policy. Connecting all IKI stakeholders in Ukraine through in-depth exchange and coordination formats is therefore an important apporach of the Interface Project Ukraine. The Project is run by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
By signing an Association Agreement with the European Union, Ukraine has agreed to comply with EU climate targets and the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). A key aspect of achieving these national climate targets will be ensuring that best-available techniques (BAT) are deployed in the country’s industrial infrastructure.
BAT for Ukraine — Improving the framework conditions for the implementation of the European Directive 2010/75/EC on industrial emissions and promoting the use of best available techniques (BAT) in industry
By signing an Association Agreement with the European Union, Ukraine has agreed to comply with EU climate targets and the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). A key aspect of achieving these national climate targets will be ensuring that best-available techniques (BAT) are deployed in the country’s industrial infrastructure.
The Ukrainian Climate Office, operating as a project-based initiative, aims to identify regulatory gaps in climate policy and develop effective mechanisms to address them. While the office is currently in its administrative phase, it serves as a critical hub for climate related topics and the enhancement of international negotiation skills, particularly within the framework of the UNFCCC.
Capacities for Climate Action (C4CA)/Ukrainian Climate Office
The Ukrainian Climate Office, operating as a project-based initiative, aims to identify regulatory gaps in climate policy and develop effective mechanisms to address them. While the office is currently in its administrative phase, it serves as a critical hub for climate related topics and the enhancement of international negotiation skills, particularly within the framework of the UNFCCC.
The Ukrainian Carpathians are strongholds for primeval and old-growth forests in Europe, but face pressure from large scale logging. Protected areas (PAs) in these forests now also face an acute existential threat as government funding has all but ceased as a result of the economic pressures stemming from the Russian invasion.
Conservation of highly valuable primeval and old-growth forests in selected national parks in the Ukrainian Carpathians
The Ukrainian Carpathians are strongholds for primeval and old-growth forests in Europe, but face pressure from large scale logging. Protected areas (PAs) in these forests now also face an acute existential threat as government funding has all but ceased as a result of the economic pressures stemming from the Russian invasion.
The project implements measures to raise awareness among decision-makers and improve national framework conditions so that the preconditions for a significant reduction of greenhouse gases are created and economic transformation goals are achieved at the same time.
Developing capacities for climate policy in Southeast & Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia
The project implements measures to raise awareness among decision-makers and improve national framework conditions so that the preconditions for a significant reduction of greenhouse gases are created and economic transformation goals are achieved at the same time.
The Fund coordinates and accelerates the implementation of important energy efficiency and environmental protection projects in the areas of municipal infrastructure.
Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership Fund (E5P)
The Fund coordinates and accelerates the implementation of important energy efficiency and environmental protection projects in the areas of municipal infrastructure.
The potential for increasing energy efficiency in Ukrainian buildings has not yet been fully exploited. The Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Financing the Energy Efficiency Support Programme in Ukraine (EE4U), funded with 20 million euros by the federal government and managed by the International Finance Cooperation (IFC), supports the energy-efficient modernisation of Ukraine’s housing stock.
Energy Efficiency Support Program for Ukraine – EE4U
The potential for increasing energy efficiency in Ukrainian buildings has not yet been fully exploited. The Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Financing the Energy Efficiency Support Programme in Ukraine (EE4U), funded with 20 million euros by the federal government and managed by the International Finance Cooperation (IFC), supports the energy-efficient modernisation of Ukraine’s housing stock.
Old combined heat and power stations, obsolete district heating networks and inadequately insulated buildings with inefficient heating lead to high energy consumption in many Ukrainian towns and cities – and consequently to high emissions and costs.
Old combined heat and power stations, obsolete district heating networks and inadequately insulated buildings with inefficient heating lead to high energy consumption in many Ukrainian towns and cities – and consequently to high emissions and costs.
Technical and financial aspects hinder low carbon infrastructure finance. To reduce these barriers the project focuses on two sectors in its partner countries: residential energy efficiency and water and wastewater.
FELICITY II — Eastern Partnership and Central Asia Program
Technical and financial aspects hinder low carbon infrastructure finance. To reduce these barriers the project focuses on two sectors in its partner countries: residential energy efficiency and water and wastewater.
To limit global heating and therefore the impacts of climate change, investment is required in energy efficiency, renewables and measures that mitigate the emission of greenhouse gases.
To limit global heating and therefore the impacts of climate change, investment is required in energy efficiency, renewables and measures that mitigate the emission of greenhouse gases.
The project supports the dialogue on the reconstruction of Ukraine with technical expertise by providing energy and climate economic policy advice on the formulation and impact assessment of policy measures and the preparation of strategic documents.
The project supports the dialogue on the reconstruction of Ukraine with technical expertise by providing energy and climate economic policy advice on the formulation and impact assessment of policy measures and the preparation of strategic documents.
Carbon markets are a cost-effective way to mitigate emissions of greenhouse gases. The Partnership for Market Implementation (PMI) aims to support partner countries in designing and implementing carbon pricing instruments that meet their national needs and development priorities.
Partnership for Market Readiness and Implementation
Carbon markets are a cost-effective way to mitigate emissions of greenhouse gases. The Partnership for Market Implementation (PMI) aims to support partner countries in designing and implementing carbon pricing instruments that meet their national needs and development priorities.
The project supports the countries of the Eastern Partnership in their transition to climate-friendly economic development. It aims to improve the conditions for the transformation of EU trade-related agricultural and industrial value chains.
Promoting Green Deal Readiness in the Eastern Partnership Countries (ProGRess)
The project supports the countries of the Eastern Partnership in their transition to climate-friendly economic development. It aims to improve the conditions for the transformation of EU trade-related agricultural and industrial value chains.
District heating (DH) is an important pillar of basic supply in Ukraine. However, district heating systems are outdated, not energy efficient and cause high CO2 emissions.
Reform of the District Heating Sector in Ukraine (ReWarm)
District heating (DH) is an important pillar of basic supply in Ukraine. However, district heating systems are outdated, not energy efficient and cause high CO2 emissions.