Legal Information


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GIZ express­ly reserves the right to mod­i­fy, append and delete the web­site in part or in whole with­out pri­or notice, or to halt pub­li­ca­tion com­plete­ly or for a lim­it­ed peri­od.

This web­site con­tains links to exter­nal sites. Respon­si­bil­i­ty for the con­tent of the exter­nal sites linked to this web­site always lies with their respec­tive pub­lish­ers. When the links to these sites were first post­ed, GIZ checked the third-par­ty con­tent to estab­lish whether it could give rise to civ­il or crim­i­nal lia­bil­i­ty. How­ev­er, the con­stant review of the linked exter­nal sites can­not rea­son­ably be expect­ed with­out con­crete indi­ca­tion of a vio­la­tion of rights. If GIZ itself becomes aware or is noti­fied by a third par­ty that a linked exter­nal site gives rise to civ­il or crim­i­nal lia­bil­i­ty, it will remove the link to this site imme­di­ate­ly. GIZ express­ly dis­so­ci­ates itself from such con­tent.

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