IKI Worldwide

The German Government's International Climate Finance Commitment

About the IKI

The Inter­na­tion­al Cli­mate Ini­tia­tive (IKI) is an impor­tant part of the Ger­man government’s inter­na­tion­al cli­mate finance com­mit­ment. Since 2022 the IKI is imple­ment­ed by the Fed­er­al Min­istry for Eco­nom­ic Affairs and Cli­mate Action (BMWK) in close coop­er­a­tion with the Fed­er­al Min­istry for the Envi­ron­ment, Nature Con­ser­va­tion, Nuclear Safe­ty and Con­sumer Pro­tec­tion (BMUV) and the Fed­er­al For­eign Office (AA). Through the IKI, the min­istries joint­ly sup­port approach­es in devel­op­ing and emerg­ing coun­tries to imple­ment and ambi­tious­ly devel­op the Nation­al­ly Deter­mined Con­tri­bu­tions (NDCs) anchored in the Paris Agree­ment. This includes mea­sures to adapt to the impacts of cli­mate change and to con­serve and rebuild nat­ur­al car­bon sinks, tak­ing into account envi­ron­men­tal, eco­nom­ic and social con­cerns. The IKI also sup­ports its part­ner coun­tries in achiev­ing the goals of the Con­ven­tion on Bio­log­i­cal Diver­si­ty (CBD). The three min­istries joint­ly agree on the basic IKI frame­work. This includes the instru­ments that help ensure and ver­i­fy the val­ues and respon­si­bil­i­ties of the IKI, the var­i­ous fund­ing calls and exter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

The activ­i­ties from IKI projects range, for exam­ple, from advis­ing pol­i­cy mak­ers on capac­i­ty build­ing and tech­nol­o­gy part­ner­ships to risk hedg­ing through inno­v­a­tive finan­cial instru­ments. It also includes stud­ies, project prepa­ra­tion advice for infra­struc­ture devel­op­ment, and invest­ment instru­ments for cli­mate change mit­i­ga­tion or bio­di­ver­si­ty con­ser­va­tion.

To date, IKI has approved more than 950 cli­mate and bio­di­ver­si­ty projects in over 150 coun­tries world­wide with a total fund­ing vol­ume of almost 6 bil­lion euros (2008–2022).

The IKI finances projects run by organ­i­sa­tions that imple­ment mea­sures togeth­er with devel­op­ing, emerg­ing and tran­si­tion­al coun­tries with­in the four IKI fund­ing areas:

  • Mit­i­gat­ing green­house gas emis­sions
  • Adapt­ing to the impacts of cli­mate change
  • Con­serv­ing nat­ur­al car­bon sinks with a focus on reduc­ing emis­sions from defor­esta­tion and for­est degra­da­tion (REDD+)
  • Con­serv­ing bio­log­i­cal diver­si­ty

Many projects nor­mal­ly involve more than one fund­ing area.

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IKI Interface Projects

The IKI works par­tic­u­lar­ly close with its pri­or­i­ty coun­tries. The selec­tion of the pri­or­i­ty coun­tries result­ed from an eval­u­a­tion of the IKI, which had indi­cat­ed a stronger coun­try ori­en­ta­tion.

Cur­rent­ly, the IKI works par­tic­u­lar­ly close­ly with Brazil, Chi­na, Colom­bia, Cos­ta Rica, India, Indone­sia, Mex­i­co, Peru, the Philip­pines, South Africa, Thai­land, Turkey, Ukraine and Viet­nam. In most coun­tries, coop­er­a­tion takes the form of larg­er, par­tic­u­lar­ly bilat­er­al project portfolios.Most pri­or­i­ty coun­tries also fea­ture IKI inter­face projects, which main­tain per­ma­nent project offices in the country’s cap­i­tal city. Besides being com­mis­sioned with their own coun­try-spe­cif­ic projects, these inter­face projects are also tasked with main­tain­ing close con­tact to nation­al envi­ron­ment and cli­mate min­istries as well as net­work­ing with oth­er rel­e­vant min­istries in the field of cli­mate and bio­di­ver­si­ty policy.Beyond this, the inter­face projects also pro­vide a net­work­ing plat­form for all of the IKI projects with­in the coun­try and region, to pro­mote and ben­e­fit from the syn­er­gies. The IKI Inter­face is Ukraine’s part­ner in best recon­struc­tion prac­tices, con­tribut­ing to recov­ery and build­ing a new, sus­tain­able econ­o­my. Cli­mate change aspi­ra­tions and bio­di­ver­si­ty pro­tec­tion are inte­gral to broad­er recov­ery efforts.

Apply for IKI Funding

With your organ­i­sa­tion you can apply for IKI fund­ing year­ly! You can find infor­ma­tion on all IKI calls for projects under the Inter­na­tion­al Cli­mate Ini­tia­tive (IKI). In addi­tion, the IKI devel­ops and par­tic­i­pates in oth­er major fund­ing pro­grammes and glob­al funds that offer their own fund­ing calls and finance sup­port.

Find more infor­ma­tion on IKI fund­ing and how to apply on Find Fund­ing | Inter­na­tionale Kli­maschutzini­tia­tive (IKI) (international-climate-initiative.com)