As of December 2023, six multiapartment buildings in Sykhiv district of Lviv with the homeowners’ associations were fully modernized under the “Energodim” program of Energy Efficiency Fund – with the support of the project. Construction works at 3 of them were finished in 2022–2023 under the conditions of full-scale war in Ukraine.
During construction works, those homeowners’ associations faced various challenges, such as high interest rates for taking loans from banks, higher cost of materials and construction services, and even the shelling of the supplier’s warehouse. Nevertheless, despite the security situation in Ukraine and various challenges, the Lviv homeowners’ associations are motivated to carry out all necessary measures since they realize the benefits of thermo-modernization.
Generally, in buildings that have been renovated in the Sykhiv district of Lviv, internal heat supply pipelines were thermally insulated, balancing valves and commercial heat energy meters were installed, windows in common areas were replaced, facades and basements were insulated, among other measures.